About Tuen Mun South Extension (TME) - Official website of MTR Tuen Mun South Extension


Connecting the community to enrich residents’ life Bringing more opportunities to Tuen Mun South

The Tuen Mun South Extension is a “community railway” that will extend the Tuen Ma Line southward by approximately 2.4km from Tuen Mun Station via a viaduct. Two new stations will be constructed, including an intermediate station at Area 16 and a new terminal station at Tuen Mun South near the Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal. Tuen Mun residents will enjoy added convenience with the direct railway connectivity to the Tuen Mun South community. Living standards of the local community will be enhanced through re-provisioning and upgrading of some community facilities.

Construction of the Tuen Mun South Extension commenced in 2023 for target completion in 2030. The extension will enhance connectivity south of the Tuen Mun town centre and create a better living environment for the community.

Info & Alignment

Tuen Mun South Extension 1 6 A16 第一城 C i t y One 石門 Shek M un 大水坑 T ai Shui Hang 恆安 Heng On 馬鞍山 M a On Shan 烏溪沙 W u K ai Sha 美孚 M ei F oo 南昌 Nam Cheong 柯士甸 A ustin 荃灣西 T suen W an W est 錦上路 K am Sheung R oad 元朗 Y uen L ong 朗屏 L ong P ing 兆康 Siu Hong 屯門 T uen M un 洪水橋 Hung Shui K iu 天水圍 T in Shui W ai 顯徑 H in Keng 大圍 T ai W ai 屯門南 T uen M un S outh 沙田圍 Sha T in W ai 車公廟 Che K ung T emple 啟德 K ai T ak 鑽石山 Diamond H ill 何文田 Ho M an T in 宋皇臺 Sung W ong T oi 土瓜灣 T o K w a W an 紅磡 Hung Hom 尖東 East T sim Sha T sui 第一城 C i t y One 石門 Shek M un 大水坑 T ai Shui Hang 恆安 Heng On 馬鞍山 M a On Shan 烏溪沙 W u K ai Sha 美孚 M ei F oo 南昌 Nam Cheong 柯士甸 A ustin 荃灣西 T suen W an W est 錦上路 K am Sheung R oad 元朗 Y uen L ong 朗屏 L ong P ing 洪水橋 Hung Shui K iu 兆康 Siu Hong 屯門 T uen M un 1 6 A16 屯門南 T uen M un S outh 天水圍 T in Shui W ai 顯徑 H in Keng 大圍 T ai W ai 沙田圍 Sha T in W ai 車公廟 Che K ung T emple 啟德 K ai T ak 鑽石山 Diamond H ill 何文田 Ho M an T in 宋皇臺 Sung W ong T oi 土瓜灣 T o K w a W an 紅磡 Hung Hom

Alignment of the Tuen Mun South Extension

Railway extension

Photomontage of the Tuen Mun South Extension viaduct
(Note: All drawings and visuals are provided for concept illustration only, and the content is subject to change.)

Approximately 2.4 Km

As an extension of the Tuen Ma Line, the Tuen Mun South Extension requires no interchange at Tuen Mun Station

The two new stations will be adjacent to the Light Rail stops and transport terminus for convenient interchange

Project Timeline

Community support plays a vital role from the planning, design, and construction to the completion of a new railway project. With the construction of the Tuen Mun South Extension having commenced, the project team will endeavour to take forward the project towards the target completion. Upon completion, the Tuen Mun South area will be transformed into a railway community with new possibilities.



Commencement of detailed planning and design


Commencement of Environmental Impact Assessment Study



Gazettal under the Railways Ordinance


Scheme authorisation under the Railways Ordinance



Commencement of construction



Completion of construction


The Tuen Mun South Extension will provide a sustainable railway service, enhancing the living standards of Tuen Mun residents.

Providing direct railway connectivity to the Tuen Mun South community

Approx.5 mins
Tuen Mun South Station 〈--〉 Tuen Mun Station

Reprovision and upgrade of community facilities,
enhancing the quality of life