30 Apr 2024

Tuen Mun South Extension team engages with the community Railway-themed STEAM Education Week

The MTR Corporation is taking forward a series of new railway projects in full swing to enhance Hong Kong’s railway network, as well as to connect and build communities. Positioned as a community railway, the Tuen Mun South Extension (TME) project team has been actively engaging with the community since the planning and design stages. The team has exchanged ideas with stakeholders on railway development and explained the construction updates, which facilitated the community to comprehend the role of railways in fostering community development while empowering the younger generation with diverse development.

Inspired by the project, the YCH Law Chan Chor Si Primary School, located near the future Tuen Mun South Station (temporary name), co-organised a six-day railway-themed STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) week in April 2024 with the Corporation. This event integrated railway knowledge into arts, creative, scientific and teaching activities, providing an enjoyable learning experience through multi-sensory stimulation. The activities were well-received by supportive parents and students. As such, this successful engagement yielded deepened understanding of the railway project and dispelled early doubts about the works impact.

Empowering little engineers and enriching learning experiences

The STEAM activity week featured a TME booth where students transformed into little engineers with “Triple Protective Gear” (Safety helmet, reflective vest, and safety shoes) and completed tasks like road planning, trivia about water-filled barriers, noise barriers, and noise curtains. As a result, students deepened their understanding of railway construction and environmental protection.

In addition, through a series of interesting handicraft workshops, students unleashed their artistic and creative potential and applied scientific principles in practice as they meticulously designed a six-metre-long train, VR goggles, shrinkable plastic tickets, mini viaducts, and rolling carts.

The STEAM week activities also included career sharing talks by Mr Walter Lam, Project Manager – Tuen Mun South Extension and Hung Shui Kiu Station, and Mr Joe Wong, Senior Construction Manager – Civil of MTR Corporation which were much appreciated by the students. By sharing their invaluable work experiences, the Corporation is hoping to sow the seeds in nurturing future engineers with a sense of the mission of how much engineers contribute to the society.

Stay tuned for other new railway projects:
